Saturday, May 14, 2011

a moment in the madness

The culmination of a year's worth of dance lessons, cadet band practice, mixed in with fund raising and school performances.... and the only thing that helped it happen, those crazy 26 hours happily was co-operative co-parenting... and full tank of gas.

The moment that captured my heart though didn't involve my children though my buttons burst with pride at their efforts...

no.  it was Friday night - a ballet class of the most beautiful 3 and 4 year old princesses swaying to My Teddy has a Tutu.  They were breathtaking.  Hair done in curls and lace, light pink lipstick applied, costumes a fairy would envy.   One little girl at the beginning of the dance waved to her family.  The crowd responded and she heard them.  and in that moment, not expecting the outpouring of love that poured towards her and her class, she covered her face with her teddy with the matching tutu and froze for the rest of the dance in terror while her classmates twirled around her.  At the end of the dance, Miss Karen came out on stage and held her tight, told them they were beautiful and carried her off stage.

Princess - dance my love.  dance on stage, dance in the waves, dance on the playground, dance in your livingroom, dance in the wind.  we surround you with our love and we will always be proud of you.  That night the love surrounded you and you weren't expecting to feel it's power.  But the power is gentle and it will keep you safe.  For when you dance, whenever, wherever...  you grace the world with a part of your soul.... and we cherish it.  Dance princess... dance.  I'm sorry we scared you...

Monday, May 2, 2011


Kenzie and I wandered Cadboro Bay and surrounds yesterday discovering new paths and beaches....  the sun shone.  He played happily in the sand for over an hour and we saw no one.  No one other than the geese, ducks and family of otters playing in the water while songbirds and gentle waves filled the air with an symphony of gentle spring song....

Need a reason to vote?  No - I know I am blessed to live in a country for which citizens can vote privately.   I have friends who immigrated from places where they don't have that right - either to vote or to vote because they are a woman or to vote secretly.

We live in a place where each person has a say if they take that say.  It's not just a right.  It's a privilege and more importantly it's a responsibility. 

It's not just living by the ocean that makes me realize how lucky I am.  I vote for two reasons....  and I need no other....